Bootstrap collapse and outliner


This is the far more superior outliner code since you could actually memorize how to do it.

Section 1 without preview thanks to the pound sign
  • List item one in Section 1 without number
  1. Item number 1
  2. Item number 2
  3. Item number 3

Some other syntax. even Wiki syntax

Nested section opened by default with the carrot sign and a tooltip preview without the pound sign
I'm a tooltip and the content! And obnoxious as a tooltip!
Nested nested content?

That would be super awesome if this works
horray it does!
you'll notice that adding the close out code ←- does nothing if it's not at the start of a new line

outside of nested nested content

Continue section 1 outside of nested content?

Outside of section 1 before section 2. There's an invisible comment closing out section 1

You know you want to try out a section 2!
Okay, so it's not a real section 2 that auto numbers. I just made the title look like it did that.
Otherwise section 2 is quite beautiful wouldn't you say? I can even put a table inside it
A beautiful table
Left Header Center Header Right Header
content 1 Content 2 Content 3
content 1a content 3a

make sure you have some sort of line between a table and the close out <-- code
otherwise it apparently breaks the code

outside of all of the sections

start up a new sectional outliner thing after using a couple of \\ newline codes

A brand new section 1 that starts out opened, but no preview
some cool internal content to the new section 1

Bootstrap Collapse

These are examples of using default bootstrap html css and js collapse. The only modification from the bootstrap documentation is that panel headings can't use <a> tags and it looks super gross in the editor.

collapsible box 1 that has the class="panel-collapse collapse in" with the "in" causing this box to be open by default
collapsible box 2
Wiki syntax within HTML wrapper. End the HMTL, start wiki syntax, then finish your HTML.

This is a hidden panel
This is a hidden panel 2 with wiki syntax

When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are $$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$